Important Notice

JRM converted to digital format in November 2019 and starting in January 2020, JRM online will be published 4 times (January, April, July, October) per year.

Dear JRM readers

JRM book2 Journal of Rural Medicine (JRM) is a joint institution magazine (English journal) of Japanese association of rural medicine (JARM) and International Association of rural health and medicine (IARM), which we have issued twice (May, November) since 2005. Many of its publications are excellent original works and reviews, such as clinical research on rural areas / regional medical care, cohort research on health / medical / welfare. From this point onwards, I would like to expand topics to include ecological medicine, familial medicine, home health care, and general practical medicine.

Submissions to JRM gradually increased after publication and it now has reached around 40 per year. IPEC (Editorial Office: Journal of Rural Medicine (JRM), c/o IPEC, Inc., 1-24-12 Sugamo, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-0002, Japan, Phone: +81-3-5978-4067, Fax: +81-3-5978-4068) has been in charge of peer review editing work since November, 2007. Also, since 2015 JRM has been included in PubMed Central (PMC), so that it can be widely searched by PubMed. Postal delivery of this booklet ended when JRM converted to digital format from November 2019.

Starting this year, 2020, we have decided to have JRM published digitally four times per year: January, April, July and October. We would like to receive more of your contributions and submissions to JRM.

JRM online will be published (
4 times (January, April, July, October) per year
since January, 2020.

January 21, 2020

Shuzo Shintani, MD
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Rural Medicine (JRM)
President, Japanese Association of Rural Medicine (JARM)
President, International Association of Rural Health and Medicine (IARM)
27F JA Bldg. 1-3-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6827
Tel: +81-3-3212-8005, FAX: +81-3-3212-8008